Nov 152015

“VMware AppCatalyst is an API and Command Line Interface (CLI)-driven Mac hypervisor that is purpose-built for developers, with the goal of bringing the datacenter to the desktop.”

This Hands-on Lab will walk you through the installation of VMware AppCatalyst and Docker Basics including Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm.
AppCatalyst is currently Tech Preview (as of Sept 21, 2015)

What’s covered?

  1. Docker Basics (Docker, Machine, Compose, Swarm)
  2. Installation (VMware App Catalyst, Docker, Machine, Compose, Swarm)
  3. Simple Docker Commands
  4. Working with Dockerfile
  5. Docker Compose
  6. Docker Swarm

What do you need for this LAB?

  • A Mac
  • Docker & AppCatalyst (Ch2 will tell you how to setup your Mac)

Before you Begin

What is Docker?

  • Docker Client
  • Docker Container
  • Docker Image
  • Docker Hub


What is Docker Machine?

Machine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center. It automatically creates hosts, installs Docker on them, then configures the docker client to talk to them. A “machine” is the combination of a Docker host and a configured client.


What is Docker Compose?

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications with Docker. With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a single command which does everything that needs to be done to get it running.


What is Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It allows you create and access to a pool of Docker hosts using the full suite of Docker tools.
