The goal of JavaMelody is to monitor Java or Java EE application servers in QA and production environments.
The really nice thing is sthe storage of historical data – you can have a look at the same graphs spanning a week, a month or a year without setting up any additional infrastructure. Therefore JavaMelody is installed on every production system I work on.
Securing JavaMelody Installation
If you want BASIC authentication with username and password, but do no want to use a realm and “security-constraint” in web.xml, you can add the parameter “authorized-users” in web.xml, in context or in system properties like the other javamelody parameters (since v1.53). For example in your WEB-INF/web.xml file:
<param-value>user1:pwd1, user2:pwd2</param-value>
Security Manager
If you are running into an active security manager the following snippets helps
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/<your_webapp>/WEB-INF/lib/javamelody-x.jar" {
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/<your_webapp>/WEB-INF/lib/jrobin-" {
}; Ï
Disabling JavaMelody
You can disable JavaMelody using
- disabled=false using the init parameter in web.xml
- pass -Djavamelody.disabled=true as system property
Avoiding Unique Identifier URLs
JavaMelody created unique RRD files for each URL and SQL request so if you have thousands of unique URLs we need a lot of file handles and disk storage
The proposed solution is to use the http-transform-pattern and sql-transform-pattern parameters. These options work is by replacing any part of the URL that matches the regular expression with a “$”.
So setting http-transform-pattern to \d+ means that the URLshttp://server/get/entity/10 and http://server/get/entity/20 both have their digits matched by the regular expression, and are then aggregated into the URLhttp://server/get/entity/$. This in turn reduces the number of RRD files, as new ones are no longer created for every id.
For more information check
A More Complete Example
A small example working for Wildfly “Hello World”
- Use javamelody-core-1.54.0
- Use “javamelody:jm123” for HTTP Basic Authentication
- Use “/admin/javamelody” instead of “/monitoring” to have a common “admin” infix for all URLs
- Store JavaMelody’s historical data under “/Users/sgoeschl/temp/javamelody/wildfly-helloworld_klendathu.local” in my case
- Open [http://localhost:8080/wildfly-helloworld/admin/javamelody|http://localhost:8080/wildfly-helloworld/admin/javamelody]
Maven Integration
<!-- Minimal dependencies for JavaMelody -->
Web Application Integration
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<display-name>WildFly Quickstart</display-name>
<!-- restrict access using HTTP basic authentication -->
<!-- set a different URL for monitoring -->
<!-- enable/disable JavaMelody -->
<!-- define an storage path for JavaMelodys historical data -->